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10 Compelling Video Types for Promoting Your Business

Ready to outsmart your competition?

Videos can help you generate new business leads.

According to, the average daily time spent in 2023 with video content among adults in the US was close to 3 hours.

The good news is promoting your business via Compelling videos can be simple.

You only have to shoot a great video and embed it on your business website or upload it on social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or YouTube.

The better the quality, layout, presentation, and promotion strategy of your videos, the wider will the reach of your brand be. As a result, your videos are more likely to engage your target audience and persuade them to take the next step.

Common Video Types Used in Business Promotion

The following 10 types of Compelling videos can be used for business promotion:

  1. Explainer Videos: Short videos that explain your company’s product, service, or concept.
  2. Product Demos: Videos showcasing the features and benefits of your product/service.
  3. Tutorials and How-To Videos: Step-by-step guides to help users understand how to use your product or service.
  4. Corporate Videos: Highlighting your company’s culture, values, and mission.
  5. Webinars: Live or recorded sessions focusing on industry-related topics, often including Q&A segments.
  6. Customer Testimonials: Videos featuring satisfied customers sharing their experiences with your product/service.
  7. Training Videos: Educational content for employee onboarding and skill development.
  8. Event Coverage: Footage from company events, conferences, or trade shows.
  9. Marketing and Promotional Videos: Content aimed at generating interest and driving sales.
  10. Internal Communications: Updates, announcements, or messages from leadership to employees.

How Each Video Type Can Help in Promoting Your Business

1. Explainer Videos

What Are Explainer Videos?

Explainer videos are short videos that draw attention quickly and present different aspects of your business, product, or service.

These engaging videos are clear and concise. They establish your brand’s value proposition, clarify complex offerings, and address specific pain points of prospects.

Explainer videos can also be powerful tools for increasing your brand’s online presence, boosting search engine rankings, and engaging mobile users.

These videos will help your business stand out from the competition and build a unique brand identity, as they are easily shareable on social media.

Overall, explainer videos are a potent marketing and communication tool to convey information in a memorable way.

The Main Features of an Effective Explainer Video

An effective explainer video will have the following 5 essential features:

  1. Attention Grabber

In today’s fast-paced world, the attention span of the average person has dropped drastically—it’s just 8 seconds. Hence, capturing and retaining attention can be decisive elements in the success of your explainer video.

  1. Short and to the Point

An effective explainer video must be short, as it’s vital to grab the viewer’s attention within the first 8 seconds and hold it for at least 2 to 3 minutes. Most people don’t watch videos longer than that duration.

  1. Compelling Visuals and a Clear Message

Eye-catching visuals can illustrate your brand’s concept, product, or service better, making it easy to understand. Animations can be engaging when done rightly. In addition, they can help explain complex concepts.

  1. Music and Voice-over

Music makes an emotional connection with the viewers, setting the perfect mood for the video. Choose something that complements the message and tone of the explainer video.

A voice-over will help viewers understand what you want to say.

  1. Right Script

Great explainer videos have scripts that use simple language. Resist the urge to use industry jargon. Keep the content light, sharing only simple concepts and ideas.

How to Make an Explainer Video That Helps Your Business Stand Out from Your Competitors?

Capturing a viewer’s attention is everything. Ensure that the first 10 seconds of your video will captivate the viewer.

When shooting your explainer video, focus on addressing your prospect’s pain points. Start by explaining the benefits of your product/service for the prospect and how it can help them. Don’t waste time explaining the features.

Since having a compelling attention grabber is crucial, concentrate on tapping into your prospect’s emotions and explaining how their problem will be solved. All along, the viewer’s attention must remain focused on what you explain.

Consider for how long the “skip video” option keeps flashing on any YouTube video you have chosen to view before it actually starts playing.

It’s just 5 seconds. But those 5 seconds seem like a lifetime. That’s the reason you need to keep the explanation simple and straightforward.

Length of Your Video

The right length for an explainer video on your business website is from 60 to 120 seconds. If you need to say more, you can go up to 180 seconds. But it’s best to keep the video short so that your target audience engages with your explainer video and acts on your call-to-action.

The optimum length of an explainer video for Facebook ads and YouTube pre-roll is between 15 and 30 seconds and up to 60 seconds for Instagram Video Ads.

Clear Message

The primary goal of an explainer video is to explain your point. Therefore, you must ensure your message is clear. You must also include a call-to-action.

Start with an introduction, letting viewers know what they’re about to watch. Next, explain your brand’s concept, product, or service in the simplest terms.

Music and Voice-over

The human element in an explainer video is important, as the human brain reacts favorably to certain auditory stimuli. This is where voice-over can make your message more relatable and engaging.

Hence, when you pick a voice-over artist, choose someone with a pleasant voice whose tone can convey your message clearly.

Right Script

Prepare a script that offers only a short overview, delivering information in digestible nuggets. Speak directly to your audience, using the word you.

Match the tone of your brand. For instance, if your brand is fun-loving and lighthearted, make your tone not too serious and easily relatable.

Shoot your explainer video to the point, and the Picsera team can edit it for you.

Examples of Explainer Videos and Reasons Why They Are Good for Business Promotion


Reasons Why This Explainer Video Is Good for Business Promotion

  1. The attention grabber in the first 8 seconds relates well to the rest of the explanation in the video.
  2. The short (1 min 42 sec) video explains how an interested prospect can make money on their own schedule by delivering for the company.
  3. Only the most essential information is included in the video.
2. Amazon Go

Reasons Why This Explainer Video Is Good for Business Promotion

  1. The short (1 min 50 sec) video explains the concept of cashierless stores to potential customers.
  2. This video illustrates Amazon’s vision for cashierless shopping to perfection.

2. Product Demos

What Are Product Demo Videos?

A product demonstration video is exactly what its name says—it illustrates how your product functions by showing it in action.

You can effectively capture the attention of your target audience and prove your product/service’s value proposition.

A product demo video is a powerful way to persuade viewers to make a purchase. This video will not only highlight your product/service’s features and benefits but also demonstrate to the end users exactly how your product functions in real life.

Seeing your product in action can convince a potential customer much faster than words or brochures. A product demo video makes business sense, as it presents your brand with a new channel of conversion volume that you can effortlessly tap.

The Essential Elements of a Persuasive Product Demo Video

A persuasive product demo video will have the following 5 essential features:

  1. A Compelling Narrative That Demonstrates Your Product/Service’s Key Features

A simple and focused story that doesn’t overwhelm your audience, illustrating your product/service’s most important features.

Your narrative should make the customer the hero, thereby creating an emotional connection.

  1. Visual Aids and Supporting Materials

Integrate animations, screenshots, and interactive components to elevate the viewer’s experience. Emphasize key points and details, using captions, labels, and annotations.

  1. Real-World Use Cases

Explain the practical applications and benefits of your product/service to make the demo more relatable.

Focus on demonstrating how your product/service can solve the viewer’s specific problems and fulfill their specific needs.

  1. Clarity

Your product demo video must clearly communicate the value proposition of your product/service. Your target audience must easily understand what your product/service does and how it will help them.

  1. Clear Call to Action

The call to action at the end of the product demo video should prompt the viewer to take the next step. It could be signing up for a free trial, getting in touch with the sales team for more information, or making a purchase.

How to Make a Product Demo Video That Boosts Your Brand?

Before you create a product demo video, identify your target audience. Next, set a clear goal, as it will help you know what you intend to achieve—increase sales, highlight a new feature, address specific pain points of customers, etc.

When you have a clear goal, it’s easier to focus the narrative of the video toward achieving that objective. The narrative should include a detailed description of your product/service, its main features, and how it can benefit the viewer.

Show your viewers exactly how your product/service functions. Give them real-world examples of the specific problems it can solve, as it will enable them to see your product/service’s practical uses.

End with a call-to-action, encouraging viewers to take action.

You can increase your reach, engage your audience, and boost your sales by following these simple steps.

Examples of Product Demo Videos and Reasons Why They Are Good for Business Promotion

1. The Human Solution

Reasons Why This Product Demo Video Is Good for Business Promotion

  1. A brilliant video that quickly captures the viewer’s attention.
  2. This short (1 min 37 sec) video on a standing desk has all the essential ingredients of an excellent product demo video—key features, real-world use case, clarity, and call-to-action.
2. Grammarly

Reasons Why This Product Demo Video Is Good for Business Promotion

  1. The video puts the platform in the forefront and shows it in action.
  2. Provides a detailed explanation of the product’s features and benefits.

3. Tutorials and How-to Videos

What Are Tutorial and How-to Videos?

Tutorial videos are screen grabs with a voice-over explanation. These videos are created to fulfill a specific purpose: Teach viewers how to do something.

Screen grab videos are especially useful for sales, technology, and management training. Visual learners will find it easy to follow a well-structured explanation of a process—for example, marketing principles, software development, or management concepts.   

How-to videos visually guide viewers on how to complete tasks. A complex task is typically broken down into simple steps that the viewers can follow.

From a business viewpoint, how-to-videos help you build a connection with your customers by explaining the various features and benefits of your product/service. They can reduce the number of troubleshooting calls your service staff has to handle.

The Core Components of a How-to Video

  1. Determine Your Target Audience and Key Objectives

Choose your target audience carefully, as it can affect your overall viewership. For instance, if your how-to video is on software development, ensure your target audience is tech-savvy.

Key objectives typically include clear delivery of the information, exceptional learning outcomes, and effective communication.

  1. Well-Structured Script

The best way to organize your script would be to start with a clear beginning. Use simple language, and keep your sentences short. Avoid industrial jargon and excessively complex sentences.

  1. Match Voiceover to Visuals

The voiceover in your video should complement the visuals. The tone and pace should match the tempo of the visuals, engaging the viewers and keeping their attention.

Perfect synchronization of the voiceover with the visuals will create a smooth, flowing message that resonates with the viewers.

  1. Add Captions

Captions can improve focus and engagement, making your video easy to understand. Captioned videos also support brand awareness and recall.

  1. Optimal Video Length

The optimal length of a how-to video that explains any concept is 3–6 minutes.

The complexity of your topic and the attention span of your target audience are the most important factors to consider.

How to Create an Effective Tutorial Video That Ensures Viewers Grasp the Information You Present Fast

The first step is to understand your audience. Determine the topics that would interest them and their most preferred learning style.

Prepare a detailed script, adding the key points that would interest your target audience. Once you have introduced the topic, elaborate on it further and conclude it effectively. Ensure a smooth, methodical flow.

The best strategy to ease your viewers’ learning curve is to split the whole learning part into small steps. Add multiple steps, such as step 1, step 2, step 3, and so on, to simplify the understanding.

Since many viewers prefer watching a video with captions on, it’s best to add captions to your video.

Keep your video focused on the topic so that viewers remain engaged right through the duration of the video.

Edit meticulously and cut out awkward pauses. Remember, even a 5-second pause or a graphic that shows up for a few seconds longer than necessary can ruin your video.

Examples of Tutorials and How-to Videos and Reasons Why They Are Good for Brand Promotion

1. Apartment Therapy (How to Pack a Suitcase)

Reasons Why This How-to Video Is Good for Business Promotion

  1. Marie Kondo teaches organizing techniques, showing how to pack an efficient and well-arranged suitcase with care.
  2. Beautiful video that will help the viewer learn how to pack a suitcase fast.
  3. The captivating background music will make the viewer watch right up to the end, including the call-to-action.
2. Joshua Weissman (How to Cook a Perfect Steak Every Time)

Reasons Why This How-to Video Is Good for Business Promotion

  1. Short recipe, to the point, and easy to understand.
  2. Excellent presentation that blends humor and culinary knowledge to perfection.
  3. Joshua Weissman’s detailed explanation makes cooking a perfect steak a breeze.
  4. The 100 percent human element enhances this how-to video.

4. Corporate Videos

What Are Corporate Videos?

Corporations use corporate videos to build brand recognition, company identity, and product recall. These business videos focus on the business as a whole, instead of diving into specific products/services.

Since people love branded products, it makes sense to make videos that promote brand recognition and strengthen brand effect.

Corporate videos must convey the brand’s distinctiveness, assurance, and perceived worth.

Practical Corporate Video Ideas for Your Business

Some practical corporate video ideas for your business include:

  1. Meet the Team Video

In this video, you could cover the company culture concept. For instance, you could showcase the different talents and personalities of people in your company.

Meet the team video will help you connect better with your target audience. As a result, you can communicate with your existing and potential clients, building recognition and trust.

  1. Why I Love My Job Video

One-on-one employee interviews discussing the reasons they love their jobs is another great idea. The office atmosphere should be friendly and enthusiastic—not dull and uninteresting.

Request the employees to talk about the details of their jobs and the specific tasks they work on. Encourage them to talk about what makes their jobs fantastic.

  1. Funny Company Story Video

Entertainment drives clicks/views. A bit of novelty is alright. But take care not to overdo it.

Different people experience the same thing in different ways. Pick some employees to tell their side of the story about the funniest thing that happened in the workplace.

  1. Explain Your Company Values

Values make or break a company. Every company has its distinct set of values that govern its business operations.

What are your company values? Let the world know.

  1. Share Your Company History

The founding bedrock upon which your company stands and continues to grow is its history.

You may want to speak about only the high points. But an effective and authentic history will include every detail of a company’s legacy—both the successes and the low points.

How to Use Corporate Videos to Establish Trust with Your Potential Customers?

You’ve probably seen countless bad corporate videos: A stuffy office setting with a senior (or junior) executive awkwardly reading a dull script, word by word, about their amazing company.

You can almost feel them struggle to convince themselves of their company’s greatness rather than the viewer. Watching such videos can be painful and a waste of precious time.

An idea of what is bad, outdated, and dull will tell you what you must avoid when making great corporate videos.

Your business will need a corporate video for several reasons. It can vary based on the specific stage your company is in.

For instance:

  1. Are you pitching for investors?
  2. Are you hiring?
  3. Do you want to release a branding video?
  4. Do you want to establish brand authority or strengthen your brand reputation?
  5. Are you intent on growing your SEO reach?
  6. Are you seeking higher engagement with your customers?
  7. Are you planning a new product launch?

All of the above are great reasons to shoot a corporate video.

Your employees or a narrator can get your message across. Remember, transparency is key to establishing trust with your potential customers.

A video is not a one-way street. It’s a good start because you are encouraging the viewer to interact with your brand. Answer customer questions and post clarifications if needed. Your response will help viewers feel like they are part of your brand.

Examples of Corporate Videos and Reasons Why They Are Good for Brand Promotion

1. The University of Bayreuth

 Reasons Why This Corporate Video Is Good for Brand Promotion

  1. Truly inspirational and heartwarming.
  2. Showcases the beautiful campus and vibrant student life.
  3. Speaks in-depth about a bright future and endless options.
  4. The human element is incredibly high right through.
2. Pilatus Aircraft Ltd.

Reasons Why This Corporate Video Is Good for Brand Promotion

  1. The captions make the video easy to follow.
  2. Grand tour of airframes, engines, and components.
  3. Strong impression of a positive work environment.

5. Webinars

What Are Webinars?

A webinar, short form of web seminar, is a live or pre-recorded online event. A live webinar will allow your business to engage with your target audience in real-time.

A webinar is a powerful marketing tool, as it enables you to quickly capture the attention of your audience, develop lasting relationships with them, and establish your brand as an industry authority. Hence, webinars are indispensable tools for promoting your business.

A webinar is also known by other names, such as webcast, live online event, online event streaming, and more.

How to Select the Right Topics for Your Webinars?

In today’s digital universe, online is one of the most preferred ways to do business. And webinars are undoubtedly one of the fastest-growing ways to promote your business.

The first step in selecting the right topics for your webinars is to understand your business objectives. It could be one or several of the following:

  1. Build brand awareness
  2. Boost lead generation
  3. Establish industry authority
  4. Increase market reach
  5. Communicate with a large audience
  6. Strengthen customer relationships
  7. Drive higher sales
  8. Collect valuable data and insights.

Based on your marketing objectives, brainstorm all possible topics that would resonate with your target audience. Shortlist the best ones, and pick a topic that aligns with your business expertise and demonstrates your authority in the field.

Conduct additional research and strengthen your knowledge on the topic. Knowledge will give you the added confidence to speak with authority.

The Best Channels to Promote Your Webinars

Webinar promotion is key to generating interest, attracting a larger number of attendees, and ensuring the success of your webinar.

An effective webinar promotion strategy includes drafting a compelling message, selecting the best channels, designing promotional materials, planning a time schedule, and tracking results.

The following are the best channels to promote your webinars:

  1. Email marketing
  2. Social media platforms
  3. The homepage of your business website
  4. Industry forums
  5. Blog posts
  6. Paid advertising
  7. Targeted collaborations with niche influencers.

How to Identify Your Best Leads After Your Webinar?

The easiest way to identify your best leads is to segment the webinar attendees into the following 5 categories:

  1. Registered but didn’t attend.
  2. Attended but left before the webinar ended.
  3. Attended but did not engage.
  4. Attended and engaged.
  5. Attended and converted (responded to your CTA).

Segmenting will help you determine which attendees to focus on during your outreach efforts. You can offer free trials, promo codes, product discounts, and other incentives to the attendees who respond to your CTA.

Examples of Effective Webinars and Reasons Why They Are Good for Brand Promotion

1. Adobe Creative Cloud (How to Speed Up Your Content Creation)

 Reasons Why This Webinar Is Good for Brand Promotion

  1. Bart Van de Wiele, the presenter, offers detailed tips, tricks, and best practices that will help the attendees to develop digital assets.
  2. Confident and clear presentation.
  3. Captivating visuals are used for the demos,
  4. The presenter provides the contact information of Adobe.  
2. Webinar Ninja (How to Grow Your Business with Webinars)

Reasons Why This Webinar Is Good for Brand Promotion

  1. Detailed explanation of creating content that captivates and converts.
  2. The presenter explains innovative strategies for making interactive webinars.
  3. Clear call-to-action.

6. Video Customer Testimonials

What Are Video Customer Testimonials?

Video customer testimonials are like a friend recommending a great service or product to a prospect—they add a distinctive personal touch to your sales efforts. Your brand will build trust and credibility, as real customers share their experiences with your service or product.

Video testimonials are also engaging and easy to share, enabling you to connect with your target audience in an easy-going and authentic way.

Since a video testimonial shows a real person speaking about your service and brand, it tends to have a higher conversion rate compared to a written testimonial.

The Key Benefits of Using Video Customer Testimonials

  1. Provide authentic social proof to prospective customers.
  2. Boost engagement and retention rates.
  3. Lead to emotional connections with viewers.
  4. Refine storytelling capabilities, resulting in a more compelling brand narrative.
  5. Improve SEO much faster than written content.
  6. Simplify sharing on social media channels, increasing your brand reach.
  7. Deliver high conversion rates.
  8. Cost-effective marketing strategy.

How to Generate Leads Using Video Customer Testimonials?

Video customer testimonials have a tremendous effect on the purchasing decision of people. They can influence their thought process in a positive way.

According to Big Commerce, an overwhelming 88 percent of consumers trust online reviews/testimonials as much as personal recommendations. Hence, video customer testimonials are more effective in generating leads, as they can increase your conversions.

The following are some helpful lead-generation tips using videos:

  1. Make your customer testimonials as specific and to the point as possible.
  2. Ensure your testimonials sound authentic and trustworthy, not scripted.
  3. Demonstrate clearly the results delivered.
  4. Get testimonials from customers who are of similar demographic backgrounds as your prospects.
  5. Invite influencers to vouch for your product/service.
  6. Appeal to a wider audience by showing a variety of customer experiences.

Examples of Video Customer Testimonials and Reasons Why They Are Good for Business Promotion

1. Codecademy (How Tommy Nicholas Transformed His Career with Codecademy)

 Reasons Why This Video Customer Testimonial Is Good for Business Promotion

  1. The premise of this testimonial is powerful: Codecademy can transform your life.
  2. The video is short (less than a minute) and to the point.
  3. Simple graphics and no fancy editing.
  4. The right person (a real customer) is telling a true story.
  5. The testimonial emphasizes the customer’s pain points and how Codecademy solved them.
2. Slack (“So Yeah, We Tried Slack …”)

Reasons Why This Video Customer Testimonial Is Good for Business Promotion

  1. Scores high on engagement and entertainment.
  2. Clear explanation of how Slack works.
  3. Effective “Show, don’t tell” approach.
  4. The story-in-a-story adds a fun element to the video.

7. Training Videos

What Are Training Videos?

Training videos are a type of video content used to teach individuals or a team a new skill or improve their understanding of a specific topic.

In the corporate world, training videos are used to facilitate employee training. In the area of customer service, training videos guide customers in how to use a specific product or service and in many other scenarios as well.

Training videos are beneficial in business promotion because they focus on a particular task or workflow, providing customers with helpful guidance—one step at a time. These detailed and slightly longer videos are indispensable during the customer onboarding process.

Guidelines for Writing an Impactful Script for Your Training Video

A training video isn’t just a boring statement of facts. It’s a powerful source of knowledge designed to take the viewer from complete ignorance to a good understanding.

Therefore, the script must address three key questions:

  1. What is the primary purpose of this video?
  2. Who is the target audience for this video?
  3. Which specific skill or knowledge should the viewer gain?

Follow this 6-step framework for a smooth script-writing process:

  1. Write a compelling introduction.
  2. Keep the text simple and action-driven.
  3. Use short sentences and avoid industry jargon.
  4. Break down the text into short, easy-to-learn chunks.
  5. Focus on the solution (the learning objective) part.
  6. Use conversational style—write in a friendly tone.

Tips to Create an Effective Training Video

  1. Cover only one topic in one video.
  2. Tailor the content to the needs and level of knowledge of your target audience.
  3. Ensure the script matches the video’s goals.
  4. Choose the right training video format.
  5. Keep the video as short as possible.
  6. Use quality equipment to record the video.
  7. Add captions and voice-over.
  8. Use simple graphics.
  9. Refine the video by editing the visuals.

Examples of Training Videos and Reasons Why They Are Good for Brand Promotion

1. Grammarly (How to Get Started with GrammarlyGO)

Reasons Why This Training Video Is Good for Business Promotion

  1. Focuses on a single feature—GrammarlyGo.
  2. The live-action clips and screen recordings teach how to use this feature.
  3. Text overlay points out specific elements.
  4. The background music is catchy without being too distracting.
  5. Clear call-to-action at the end of the video.
2. HS Envolvy (Workplace Safety: Safety Starts with You)

Reasons Why This Training Video Is Good for Employee Training

  1. Teaches employees how things can go wrong in the workplace.
  2. Excellent cinematography keeps the viewer hooked from start to end.
  3. The video focuses on workplace accidents.
  4. The short duration of slightly over a minute.
  5. Shows employees how they risk their lives when they don’t follow safety rules.

8. Event Coverage Videos

What Are Event Coverage Videos?

An event coverage video showcases and promotes company retreats, business gatherings, product launches, and conferences. The video is any visual recording, whether long or short, that covers what happened before, during, and following a business event.

Behind-the-scenes videos, attendee testimonials, event recaps and highlights, and panel session recordings are some examples.

Event coverage videos can be used to promote your brand, spotlight achievements, endorse products or services, and share your mission with your target audience.

What Are the Different Ways to Use an Event Coverage Video for Business Promotion?

The following are the different ways that event coverage videos can be used for business promotion:

  1. Promotional videos: Business website, social media channels, trade shows, and business events.
  2. Recap videos: Summarize the key moments of an event.
  3. Live-streaming: Broadcast live events that viewers can watch in real-time over Smartphones, smart TVs, and computers.
  4. Event photo montage: Collection of photos from an event—edited to create a slideshow or video.
  5. Teaser videos: Build excitement and generate buzz before a product launch.
  6. Attendee testimonials: Feature a person who attended an event.
  7. Behind-the-scenes videos: Footage of the planning and organization stages of an event and interviews with the organizers and vendors.

How to Create an Event Coverage Video?

Corporate videos can be filmed in innovative ways. Follow the steps listed below to create a professional event coverage video:

  1. Keep a copy of the event schedule handy.
  2. Record interviews with the key speakers.
  3. Dress in corporate attire.
  4. Have two quality lenses that work well in quality light.
  5. Ensure that you capture steady, shake-free footage.
  6. Use a two-camera setup with wide-angle lenses.
  7. Capture different kinds of emotions.
  8. Avoid filming screens as they tend to flicker.
  9. Film from various angles and shoot different shots.
  10. Shoot as much detail as possible with your edit in mind.
  11. Smile and be friendly with everyone.
  12. Edit the video frames by mixing up the pace and sound.

Examples of Event Coverage Videos and Reasons Why They Are Good for Brand Promotion

1. Viva Technology (VivaTech 2021 Teaser)

Reasons Why This Event Coverage Video Is Good for Brand Promotion

  1. The short 30-second video is easily consumable on social media platforms.
  2. The clear captions make it easy to view without sound.
  3. Captivating images of innovation.
  4. Dates and registration are available at the end of the video.
Delta Festival (Teaser Delta Festival 2020)

 Reasons Why This Event Coverage Video Is Good for Brand Promotion

  1. The video starts with a book opening on its own, like a story meant for kids.
  2. Marseille is shown on the map of France.
  3. Frenzied music reflects the electric atmosphere of the festival.
  4. Overall, a fabulous visual and auditory experience.
  5. The voice-over in English makes it easy for an international audience to understand.

9. Marketing and Promotional Videos

What Are Marketing and Promotional Videos?

Promotional videos or promo videos are used specifically for promoting a marketing event, initiative, or sale. Promo videos are identical in style and tone to an impactful teaser video, where you grab attention and draw the audience in.

Promo videos are perfect for attracting new viewers by building awareness online for forthcoming events and promotions. The video will introduce new viewers to your brand and pique their interest in your ongoing promotion.

Promo videos will not only engage existing and new viewers but also pull them in and present them with another reason to think about doing business with your company.

The Main Features of an Effective Marketing and Promotional Video

The following are the main features of an effective marketing and promotional video:

  1. Start with an Original Idea: Spend time working on the video concept and develop an impactful video. Use catchy titles or sound bites.
  2. Avoid Overdoing Humor: If you’re not 100 percent confident that the video concept and dialog are funny, don’t force yourself too hard.
  3. Add Visuals That Bring Value: Add a pleasant visual to teach your target audience how your products/services work.
  4. Ensure That the Duration of the Video Is Ultra-Short: A long video (longer than 3 minutes) can dilute your message.
  5. Don’t Sound Too Salesy: If possible, allow your customers to tell your story.

Tips to Create an Effective Marketing and Promotional Video

  1. Restrict your videography project’s color palette.
  2. Pick the most appropriate effects for your project.
  3. Produce unique textures; don’t rely only on computer-generated textures.
  4. Experiment with typography and choose one that is easy to read.
  5. Keep the pace of your video optimal so that the viewer stays connected to your message.
  6. Ensure that the structure and composition amplify your message.
  7. Test your video multiple times and edit.

Examples of Marketing and Promotional Videos and Reasons Why They Are Good for Business Promotion

1. Marks & Spencer (M&S Food: Adventures in Wonderfood – TV AD 2016)

Reasons Why This Marketing and Promotional Video Is Good for Brand Promotion

  1. Enticing visual elements.
  2. Shots of the brand’s colorful ingredients show their luxury food products.
  3. Unique eye-catching transitions.
  4. Ultra-short 40-second video.
2. The North Face x Gucci (#TheNorthFacexGucci collection by Alessandro Michele)

Reasons Why This Marketing and Promotional Video Is Good for Brand Promotion

  1. The shots of their target audience using their products speak for itself.
  2. An innovative, cheerful video that expands the brand’s target audience’s understanding of their products.
  3. Nice visuals and a great soundtrack.

10. Internal Communication Videos

What Are Internal Communication Videos?

Internal communication videos are also labeled internal corporate videos. They offer a lively and engaging format to simplify company messages. These pre-made videos are used to communicate updates, announcements, or messages from leadership to employees.

Internal communication videos prevent information overload and bridge obstacles like language, distance, and time. These videos are cost-effective and something that the employees desire. In addition, they can be shared easily via a clickable link.

Overall, internal corporate videos are indispensable for improving employee engagement. 

The Different Ways to Use Videos in Internal Communications

  1. Announcement Video: Ensures that every employee hears the announcement and retains the message.
  2. Company Culture: Showcase company culture and values in an authentic and creative way to give a clear message.
  3. Onboarding or Introduction Videos: A brilliant way to show newly hired workers how your company is different from other companies. Onboarding videos are more exciting compared to a dull company handbook.
  4. Project Recap Videos: Help everyone understand the latest projects that have been completed. They are an excellent way to showcase what employees have accomplished, helping maintain transparency and creating a positive environment.

Tips to Create an Engaging Internal Communication Video

  1. Define the Objective of Your Video

Start with a clear objective. Know the core message you want to convey to the viewers.

  1. Write a Short, To-The-Point Script

Keep things brief. Remember, a little storytelling can make it easy for your audience to memorize your message. Summarize the main point at the end, as it will drive the point home.

  1. Prepare Your Videography Equipment

Select quality cameras, lights, and microphones to capture a professional-looking video. The editing software you use also matters a lot.

  1. Record Your Footage

Record your footage in perfect settings, with proper light and no background noise. Take multiple shots until you get everything right.

  1. Edit the Captured Footage to Create a Professional Video

While editing, stay aligned with the original script. Don’t change course from the intended point. Add subtitles to ensure better engagement. Finish with a final CTA, reminding the viewer of what to do next.

Examples of Internal Communication Videos and Reasons Why They Are Effective

1. PlayPlay (Internal Announcement Video)

Reasons Why This Internal Communication Video Is Effective

  1. A perfect announcement video with the right visuals.
  2. The format is clear in relaying the message.
  3. Reminds employees to take their vacation days prior to expiry.
  4. Easy to retain the message.
2. Icahn School of Medicine (#HowWeHeal | We want to hear from you.)

Reasons Why This Internal Communication Video Is Effective

  1. The video is a source of motivation and representation.
  2. The background music is impactful and full of energy.
  3. This company culture video can make employees feel unique and involved.
  4. The video imparts the values the brand stands for.

In Summary

Videos that enhance your brand take a fair amount of talent, coordination, and skill to pull off. They are a remarkable blend of formal design elements, brand colors, visuals, storytelling, and marketing concepts that gently persuade viewers to take action.

Successful business videos are short. They improve brand awareness and generate sales for your products or services.

At Picsera, we strive to personalize video editing styles to match our clients’ branding guidelines.