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How to Take Product Photos that Sell- Everything from Cameras to Lighting

You Need Excellent Tomatoes to Make an Amazing Sauce… Any good cook will tell you that the tomatoes are the all-important base for creating a truly delicious Bolognese sauce. The same holds true for capturing beautiful product shots. The image needs to be high quality (brightly lit and high resolution) and composed well. Without these two elements, no amount of editing skill will bring out the true quality of your product. The editing of your images can only be as good as the image you take. There is no magic wand that turns a poor image into a great image. It is essential that you have a good base product to work with.
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Expert Tips to Improve your Photo Retouching Skills

Retouching is an essential part of the portrait photographer’s workflow. In this day and age, you must understand that clients want to look their best in portraits. This means we need to use Photoshop to refine their look. I often hear statements like “You will work your magic and make me look a little younger right?” It’s unavoidable people want to look perfect in their portraits. As much as I try to fight against it I have to retouch photos. I want to make some sales after all.

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The Finer Points of Global Adjustments and Color Correction

In our previous article The ABC’s of Color Correction we discussed the difference between global adjustments and retouching. We also looked at adjusting the black and white points to create a balanced histogram. In this article, we will further discuss the types of global adjustments that can be made to your images.

We’ll cover different ways to crop images, composition techniques, and the use of the Rule of Thirds. We will also touch on using presets to create an artistic style for your portraits. All of these elements are a part of the second stage of your post-processing workflow. They are just as important to creating a polished-looking product as any other stage of your workflow.

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The ABC’s of Color Correction

Make your hard work show its true colors!

It’s time to move on to the second stage of the photo editing workflow. The second stage involves making global adjustments to your photographs. In this stage, you are now focused on taking your beautiful images and tweaking them to bring out their true character and flare.

Here’s an example of a file that has had global adjustments made. The white balance, black and white points, vibrancy, and exposure were slightly adjusted to enhance the image:


Most photographers will use Lightroom or Camera Raw to make color corrections to their images. They are extremely easy to use and very popular. Lightroom was designed for photographers. It contains all the required dialogue boxes within the develop module for making color corrections. Camera RAW is just as powerful as Lightroom both programs will produce beautiful results. They use the same image editing engine so feel free to adjust your work using this program.Read More »The ABC’s of Color Correction


3 Easy Steps to Start Your Photo Editing Workflow

Like any process, it’s important to have a good base to your workflow. Photographers need to understand just how important post-processing is to the whole business of photography. You should picture your workflow as a tree. The roots have to be strong for the tree to grow. Without a solid and efficient process of importing, backing up, keywording, and copyrighting your images the rest of your workflow will suffer. Being efficient means you increase your productivity and your profitability. For portrait and event photographers this means you spend more time finding prospective clients and shooting sessions. As much as I have advocated for post-processing we still make money taking photos not sitting behind a computer. Our post-processing methods need to enhance our business not slow it down. Follow these steps to enhance the first phase of your post production workflow.
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#TipTuesday: How to Selectively Add More Contrast & Punch to Your Images

Dehaze is a great tool for a lot of different types of work. Now it is available to be used with the Brush tool within Lightroom. Dehaze can automatically fix the “Washed Out” look when selectively lightening an area with the brush. See how the Lighthouse person looks rather foggy or hazy when only applying an increase in exposure to the dark shadow of his face and beard using the Selective brush.

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