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Technology & Tips


How to Photograph Handbags: 7 Easy Tips for eCommerce Retailers

In past articles, we’ve discussed the finer details of shooting jewelry. Now it’s time to move on and discuss how to photograph handbags.

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How to Optimize Ecommerce Product Pages for Higher Conversions

An ecommerce product page is a canvas of potential conversions depending on how you “paint” it. That seemingly small page offers a myriad of clever optimizations to get customers to push the “add to cart” button. Use these examples as a check list against your existing product page to make sure you are making use of every opportunity to convert. If you are setting up your first ecommerce site, these tips can help you shape an ideal ecommerce product page.
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Product Photography Pricing: Inhouse vs Outsourcing Costs

As more and more retailers continue to swap brick and mortar stores for ecommerce ones, product photography has become increasingly important. This has brought issues and bottlenecks to the selling process. Before, retailers just had to purchase products and place them in stores, now they have to prep, photograph, edit, and upload photos as fast as possible to sell and turnaround inventory fast. And all this workflow has to be completed while keeping product photography costs low and quality standards high.

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5 Mistakes to Avoid with Product Photography

Do your product images look too dark or too light? Or maybe they just look off and you don’t know why? Chances are you’re having lighting issues. Proper lighting is one of the most important factors in good photography, so it can make or break your images. So much so, that many lighting mistakes are unfortunately unfixable in post production (photo editing).

And we all know how important it is to shoot high-quality images of our products. There’s no way around it. Good photos sell products. Bad photos push buyers away.

Here at Picsera, we see it all. We see good product photos that we then polish and turn into amazing images to help sell products. But we also see terrible product photos that no matter how hard we try we just can’t fix.

To help all our ecommerce store owners, we’ve compiled our list of the top 5 major product lighting mistakes to avoid at all costs. Avoid these errors to enhance the quality of your images and have better looking products on your site. Let’s get started!

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